Good Practice to follow folder structure for code management

This structure provides a clear separation of concerns and helps in maintaining a modular and scalable codebase. Adjustments can be made based on specific project requirements and preferences.

  • assets: This folder contains static assets such as images and fonts.

  • src: This is the main source code directory.

    • components: Reusable components organized by type.

      • common: Commonly used components like buttons, text inputs, etc.

      • screens: Components representing different screens in your app.

    • navigation: Navigation-related code. Each navigator is placed in a separate file.

    • services: External services or API calls go here.

    • state: Redux-related code.

      • actions: Action creators.

      • reducers: Redux reducers.

      • store.js: Redux store setup.

    • utils: Utility functions and helpers.

    • App.js: The main entry point of your application.

    • index.js: The file used to register the application.

  • .gitignore: A file specifying which files and directories to ignore in version control.

  • package.json: Node.js package file that includes dependencies and scripts.

  • Project documentation.